User Journey Mapping

Exploring the buying experience at the Supermarket

Snigdha M
5 min readJul 17, 2021
Illustration from UnDraw
Illustration by Undraw

Hello Reader!

You’ve come to the correct place if you want to learn more about ‘User journey mapping,’ also known as a ‘Customer journey map.’ A User journey map is a visual representation of the User experience with something as they follow a path to their desired outcome. It is the most often used UX tool by the designers.

Why User Journey Mapping?

Understanding the customer journey helps the designers to better understand the customers emotions, experiences and expectations from start to end in order to create better products or service

What is included in the User Journey Mapping?

User journey map is designed with the help of ‘User Persona’. Targeted steps, Touchpoints, Stakeholders, Emotions, Experiences, and Solutions (if any) etc are the most typical elements of a User journey mapping. Every interaction is meticulously documented in order to understand the User’s need and demands to improve efficiency.

What does a User journey map look like?

Journey map of Customer buying experience at the Supermarket

How simple does it appear to be in this manner? Anyone can get insights just by looking at the customer journey map. The above infographic is an example of user journey step by step on a high level overview.

Let’s get into the details.

For a better understanding, I am narrating my buying experience as a customer at a local supermarket.

I wanted to buy some products from the local supermarket.

My steps in the journey probably could be as follows,

Arriving to the supermarket - Parking the vehicle - Entering into the building - Search and pick the products - Billing & payment - Return back to home.


  1. Arriving to the Supermarket

My mother told me to get some products from the supermarket, then I looked up the supermarket’s address on my phone, got on my scooter, and ride to the store.

Here my,

Touchpoints: Mother, Mobile, Scooter and Store.

Stakeholders: My mother at the home, my neighbours that I encountered at the parking and other customers near the store.

Emotion: ‘ Happy ’ as I am excited for shopping.

Experience: While going to the store, I felt happy, but I was cautious while riding the scooter.

2. Parking the vehicle

I get into the parking area and searched for a slot to rest my scooter

Touchpoints: Parking area, Parking slot, Scooter and other customer scooters.

Stakeholders: Other customers at the parking area

Emotion: ‘ Stress’ as I want a slot to rest the scooter.

Experience: I feel tense,because I have to wait for more time if I didn't find a slot to rest the scooter

3. Entering into the building

I have to wait in the line, here I interacted with other customers in the queue while waiting in line, then with the store’s sanitising and inspection employees at the respective counters.

Touchpoints: Waiting line, Other customers, Sanitizing spot, Sanitizing staff, Sanitizer, Checking area, Metal detector and Checking staff,

Stakeholders: Other customers, sanitizing employee and checking employee

Emotion: ‘ Neutral’

Experience: I got the feel of being secured in the pandemic because sanitization.

4. Search and pick the products

While looking for things, I toured the floor and had a few interactions with other customers before picking the products, and I enlisted the help of the employees to locate some items, which I was eager to accomplish, picked all the needed products.

Touchpoints: Products, Shopping cart, Other customers, Helping staff, Elevator

Stakeholders: Other customers, Assisting staff of the supermarket.

Emotion: ‘ Happy’

Experience: At this point I experience mixed feelings from tense over finding specific products to confusion in selecting among various brands

5. Billing & payment

After I finished picking out the things, I headed to the billing counter. At this point, my main interactions are with the billing counter, billing employees, card swipe machine and other customers in line. I was getting irritated at having to wait in the big line for extra time. Finally, I finished the invoicing and paid the amount with my card, then took my package and bill and walked towards the exit door.

Touchpoints: Waiting line, billing counter, billing staff, card swipe machine, debit card, products baggage, bill.

Stakeholders: Other customers in the queue, billing staff

Emotion: ‘ Frustration’

Experience: I experienced frustration to wait in the queue for a long time.

6. Exit and Return back to home.

Had the bill stamped by security at the exit door and returned home. Security check employee and other customers around my vehicle in the parking lot were the touchpoints I encountered. I was relieved because my goal had been completed successfully.

Touchpoints: Security checkpoint and staff, parking and my scooter.

Stakeholders: Checking employee, Other customers at the parking

Emotion: ‘ Relaxed’

Experience: I felt relaxed on successfully completing my task.

Thank you for reading.

Thanks to DESIGNSHIFT Academy.



Snigdha M
Snigdha M

Written by Snigdha M

UI/UX Design Intern at Designshift Academy

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